Are you planning to retire from your job anytime soon?
Will your retirement income give you enough to live on or do you have investments in place to make up the difference?
These are all questions I have been researching for myself and what I found was shocking! One survey found that 42% of Americans will retire broke. Why?
According to the Pew Research Center, the average paycheck has the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago.
Day-to-day costs continue to soar, and salaries don’t go as far as they once did to cover the necessities.
Still, the longer you put off planning for your golden years, the farther behind you fall according to another source.
Some people are depending heavily on Social Security but most experts believe there will not be enough to make a difference for most retirees.
For example:
If you’re 25 and earn $35,000 a year (much more likely), you can expect to only get $977 a month ($11,712 a year) if you retire at 62. That’s poverty-level income.

So what can you do to help yourself? Below are four suggestions that can make a big difference
- Start investing now, if your company has a retirement plan take advantage of it.
- Get a part-time job.
- You can start your own business working from home. Take your experience and help others.
- Take something you love to do and teach other people how to do it.
I found a great article that included 12 Strategies to Generate Income in Retirement. https://www.kiplinger.com/article/retirement/T023-C000-S002-12-strategies-to-generate-income-in-retirement.html
Dave Ramsey has another way to save and plan for retirement. Retire a Millionaire on $35 a week.
The most important thing is to take action now. Meet with a financial planner and learn how much you will need to live on in retirement and consider ways to make up the difference.
In 2016 I learned how to launch my own computer repair business from home and I have loved helping people solve their technical problems for the past 3 years but I am in the process of becoming a small business coach. The reason I have decided to change my profession is that I hear so many people complaining about their job how they feel they have to work there to have medical benefits. When I suggest they do something about it they just give excuses.
I believe we as human beings can adapt to learn and create the life we want if we are just given the proper tools. I am committed that each person I coach has the tools available to them to live their life with no regrets and use their gifts talent and abilities to benefit all mankind.
I found the tools to empower myself in the Master Key Experience course. It is a six-month course that I have taken four years in a row and each year I discover something new about myself. It is unlike any other course I have participated in. Check it out for yourself at https://masterkeyexperience.com/

I will share more about my progress in an upcoming post.
Please remember this quote “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Mark Twain