Family Health By Design

Empowering families to create vibrant health

California Leaders Stop Wasting Money On Programs that Don’t Work


California leaders must stop wasting money on programs that don’t work. The current leadership of California has turned away from the what is right for the people they govern. They were taught by their parents what is right and what is wrong and have chosen wrong in order to obtain more power and wealth for themselves and those they serve while letting more families become homeless and the cost of living increases.

I remember when I was 8 years old, I would get up early on Saturday mornings to watch my favorite cartoons like Whacky Racers, HR Puff N Stuff and others. Whacky Racer had a character named Snidely Whiplash and each race he would cheat to try and win the race but in the end his actions would always comeback and cause hime to lose. Each cartoon had a built in lesson of how the villain’s selfish, hurtful, greedy behavior ultimately ended up hurting only themselves.

Many leaders today know what is right but for some reason have chosen to forsake the people that put them in office for power and prestige, they make rules for the people they lead but don’t follow the rules. They feel they are above the law.

This is nothing new, it has been happening since the beginning of time.

In the Bible, the prophet Elijah warned multiple kings to return to the Lord and avoid idolatry: 

Elijah and King Ahab

Elijah warned King Ahab that God would punish his land if he didn’t stop idol worship and get Israel to return to God.

Elijah and King Jehoram

Elijah sent a letter to King Jehoram of Judah, warning him that God would punish his people for following the ways of the kings of Israel and murdering his brothers.  

Elijah and Ahaziah

Elijah told King Ahaziah that he would die because he turned away from the Lord, and the king was struck down by the Lord.  

Elijah was a prophet from the region of Gilead, who lived about 30 miles from Samaria, the capital of Israel. God performed many miracles through Elijah, which are recorded in the books of 1 and 2 Kings.

Today there are governors, congressman, senators, and many others that have turned away from doing what is right for the citizens, they right laws that allow the killing of children after they are born.

I live in California and over the last 10 years the entire culture has changed the leaders have regulated small businesses so much that many have closed or moved out of the state to more business friendly states. The homeless rate has skyrocketed and yet our leaders seem to be numb to the issues.

California’s homelessness rate has increased due to a number of factors: 

Land-use regulations: California has stricter land-use regulations and zoning laws than other states, which makes it harder to build housing. 

Housing costs: Home prices and rents have steadily increased in California, making housing unaffordable for many. The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in California is $2,200 per month, which is much higher than the $1,200 per month median rent in Texas.  

Lack of affordable housing: California has a shortage of affordable housing, which has left many people living paycheck to paycheck and at risk of homelessness.  

Stagnant incomes: Incomes have stagnated, while housing costs have increased.  

Systemic racism: Racism is a factor in the homelessness crisis.  

COVID-19 pandemic: The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the homelessness crisis.  

Why has the leadership of California abandoned its people? They are making more money every year while Californians are having to deal with loss of jobs, higher food prices, gas prices and higher taxes.

Our leaders in California have no understanding of what life is like for the average family. As busineses continue to leave the state there are less jobs for the people and homelessnes continues to increase.

Current salaries (effective December 4, 2023)

  • Governor $234,101
  • Lieutenant Governor $175,576
  • Attorney General $203,343
  • Controller $187,280
  • Treasurer $187,280
  • Secretary of State $175,576
  • Superintendent of Public Instruction $203,343
  • Insurance Commissioner $187,280
  • Member, Board of Equalization $175,576
  • Members, State Legislature $128,215
  • Assembly Speaker/Senate President Pro Tem $147,446
  • Minority Floor Leader $147,446
  • Majority Floor Leader $137,832
  • Second Ranking Minority Leader $137,832

Past salaries of elected officials, 2022-2023

  • Governor $224,020
  • Lieutenant Governor $168,015
  • Attorney General $194,587
  • Controller $179,215
  • Treasurer $179,215
  • Secretary of State $168,015
  • Superintendent of Public Instruction $194,587
  • Insurance Commissioner $179,215
  • Member, Board of Equalization $168,015
  • Members, State Legislature $122,694
  • Assembly Speaker/Senate President Pro Tem $141,097
  • Minority Floor Leader $141,097
  • Majority Floor Leader $131,897
  • Second Ranking Minority Leader $131,897

So what is the solution? I believe is education. the people who are homeless don’t need more mental health services, they need hope, temporary shelter and skills to start their own business which will empower more people to do the same. We need to stop giving hand outs and start using the resources that are already available.

Some ways we can help the homeless:

  1. Provide temporary housing with amenities.
  2. Medical resources bringing in medical students who need hours.
  3. Provide food from food banks and brining in people who are training to be chefs, and cooks.
  4. Provide sustainable gardens that the residents maintain so they have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. Provide job training skills.

An article titled Where is all the money going for homeless in California? The homeless population has grown despite spending billion trying to solve the homeless problem.

As noted in PRI’s research, troubling indicators include the fact that the preliminary point-in-time homeless counts for most California counties show total homeless populations growing in most California counties despite the billions spent on Project Homekey, and so-called “affordable housing” projects built with Project Homekey funds costing upwards of $1 million per unit to build.

“Armed with this latest analysis, lawmakers should ask tough questions about why the state is continuing to throw billions at a program that isn’t getting the job done,” Jackson and Winegarden wrote.

If lawmakers read No Way Home, PRI’s book on California’s homeless crisis, they’d know that private charities do a far more effective and efficient job meeting the unique needs of the homeless population and helping to get them off the streets than any government program, no matter how well-intentioned.

It is obvious that the lawmakers are not the answer to our homeless problem, it is up to each one of us to do what we can using the skills we have to help those who feel helpless and need help. Give just food or money won’t solve the problem. We need to find out what their immediate need is, if it is medical care let’s stop giving them drugs for their issue and instead find the root cause, help ease their physical or emotional pain and teach them how to help themselves. We all have something we can give.

A great example is which provides an array of services to help people get their life back. Why don’t we have these programs in California?

California spent billions on homelessness without tracking if it worked

It’s time to move those resources to create programs that work and if our current leader won’t listen vote them out of office. Each on of us has a responsibility to help any way we can. Don’t give up on those who are down and out, you or one of your loved ones may find yourself in need in the and we need programs that work and measure results so we can adjust what is working and change what is not working.

Join me in spreading the word. share this article with your fellow friends and family in California together we can revamp the system, create programs that work and elect leaders that will be responsible with the people’s money.

Leave a comment on how any ideas you may have that could help us stop the downfall of our beautiful state.

Author: Mike Stewart

I have been a student of personal development for over ten years and have found it to be an amazing tool to create a life I absolutely love. I found a fantastic course called The Master Key Experience that has given me the tools to live a life and passion and purpose and I want to share it with everyone.

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