Loving others unconditionally begins with learning to love oneself.

As I read Scroll 2 of the book The Greatest Salesman in the World this week I made a new discovery, I realized why I shy away from people sometimes when I am in public. I find myself comparing my appearance, my success, my status to other people and see myself as inferior.
As I made this new discovery I realized I had the power to shift my inferior thinking of myself to love for people. I began to see a mother with her child lovingly caring for them. I saw a husband caring for his wife who is recovering from an illness, and as the week continued I saw love all around me. I felt the love shared by those around me well up in myself and I discovered a new level of love for myself.
I began to see myself as a unique, marvelous one of a kind creation who is unconditionally loved by his creator and guided by his loving hand to live life abundantly.
Thank you Mark and Davene and the MKE guides for all you do to equip each student to live life in such a way it spreads love and acceptance. Our world needs this more than ever.
If you would like to learn more about the Master Key Experience visit https://masterkeyexperience.com/
Blessings on your journey.