Happiness is an inside job, it is not a fleeting feeling it is created by our own thoughts.
Have you ever said to yourself I’ll be happy when we get our new car or I’ll be happy when I get that promotion? Many people make their happiness dependable on an outside source and don’t realize that happiness starts on the inside, it starts with what we think about.
Some people postpone their happiness all their life just waiting for that one thing instead of taking the time each day to really think about what makes them happy and focus on those things each day.
What if you could wake up each morning, be grateful for all the good things in your life, and be open to all the other blessings that await you that day? What would that feel like? How would that shift your focus from all the outside temporal things you believe would make you happy to living in a constant state of happiness and gratitude all the time.
I know what you are thinking, how is that possible? Can it be that I have the power within my own mind to make myself happy, it’s true you do have that power, you were just never taught how to access it until now.
There is a simple formula I learned years ago but never applied until a couple of years ago where you write down the things you want to attract in your life on a 3X5 index card. The income you want to have, the car you want to drive, the dream home, and even that special someone and you read that card each morning and each evening with feeling and imagination as Earl Nightingale explains in the audio The Strangest Secret In The World and you can listen to the message on Youtube here.

I have been following this formula for over five years now and it has changed the way I view life, I am happier than I have ever been. All it took was a little extra time out of my day in the morning and in the evening, and by applying this formula I created a new habit of generating my own happiness. Think about that for a moment millions of people every day are waiting for something to make them happy and they have everything they need to make it happen within their own mind.
Are you ready to be happy? Are you willing to put in the work to change your life, exchange old habits that don’t serve you for habits that empower you to pursue a life of purpose? You won’t regret it, you are worth it, you deserve to be happy and use your gifts to make others happy. There is a quote by Zig Ziglar that says “You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want”. I live by that motto every day.
Listen to the Strangest Secret, follow the formula and come back and leave me a comment.
Remember you have the power and it has been inside you all along.