By relaxing and letting go I can inhibit all thoughts and focus on the miraculous things my body does automatically. This process puts me in touch with my creator.

- When You breathe. The air first travels into your mouth and nose. From there it goes into your trachea—also called your windpipe—and then travels through tubes called airways, all the way down into your lungs. Air contains oxygen, and once inside the lungs, the oxygen can travel through the bloodstream to wherever in the body it’s needed.
- Your body heals itself. The power that made your body also designed your body to heal. For example, if you cut your finger it bleeds, a scab forms and it heals. Your body makes 2.5 million red blood cells every second and 250,000 white blood cells every second? Your body has 50 to 75 trillion cells and your nervous system controls them all. A single neuron can handle as many as 833 impulses per second. Your liver performs over 657 known functions simultaneously without you even being aware of them.
- The Flow of your blood. The job of the circulatory system is to move blood, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hormones, around the body. It consists of the heart, blood, blood vessels, arteries and veins.

Think about all the processes that happen in your body automatically.
Can you relate and understand how amazing this is and most of us take it for granted.
This week our Master Key part 3 exercise was to be perfectly still, and inhibit all thought as far as possible, but relax, let go, let the muscles take their normal condition; this will remove all pressure from the nerves, and eliminate that tension which so frequently produces physical exhaustion.
So as I started the exercise I began to visualize what happens when I breathe and see the airflow into my lungs and be distributed throughout my body and with each breath, I was able to relax all the muscles and nerves in my body starting from the top of my head down my spine to my butt and eventually to my toes. As I repeated this process I began to feel the electrical signals follow the same path and it felt amazing.
This exercise gave me a new connection to God my creator, the source of all good. It made me realize how easily I can help myself start each day with a clean slate. I can let go of all the stress and worry about the things I did or didn’t do yesterday, forgive all those that hurt me and walk-in complete harmony with all life.
This course is truly an answer to prayer, it has given me a powerful tool to control my thoughts feelings and actions, change the way I react to any situation and positive or negative and create an outcome that is a win-win for everyone involved.
If you struggle with negativity, worry and fear know that you have the ability to free yourself, you just don’t know it.
If you would like to learn how to start this process grab a copy of the Seven Day Mental Diet. This diet will give you a new understanding of how the thoughts you think about are affecting your attitude, feelings, and actions.
Please connect with me on my facebook group if you would like to discuss this topic or leave a comment.
Have a blessed week!