Seven weeks have flown by and what a ride it has been. This week I have been combining the Master Key Experience readings with the book Standing Tall which was written by Mark Januszewski, specifically Verity #3 material and the results have been mind blowing.
I have read the verity each morning and evening and completed the exercises the limiting beliefs have begun to disappear.
Imagine what life can be like when you live it without any negative thought or limiting beliefs.
Reading the MKE lesson and Imagining the Battleship’s origin from the ship all the way back to me and is such a powerful exercise that allows me to apply the same principle to any part of my life, both areas that are working and areas that are not working.
Each day this week have been a serendipity days.
Monday- I had a project where I installed a new Caption phone for a client and both he and his wife were so healthy. He is 93 and his wife is 89. What made the project so wonderful is that I prayed that I could be a blessing to this couple in my interactions and the training I provided for them and when I was done the gentleman told me that this was one of the best experiences he had working with a vendor, that made my heart glad.
Another experience I had on Monday was when I brought the batteries in to a shop to have them tested the gentleman told me there was no charge.
I has some of the same type of experiences on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Reading the MKE lesson, the mental diet, and applying the law of substitution are all valuable tools that with practice bring about amazing results.
The Law of substitution: This law is simple; the mind can hold only one thought at a time and through practice you can substitute negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Verity 3 has made a huge impact on my outlook on life as day by day limiting beliefs begin to disappear just by doing what is asked in the exercise each day.
I can’t wait to see what the result will be after the 2 weeks is complete but I have rated and seen the fruit and it is delicious!
If you would like to learn more about the Master Key Experience you can get on the list for the next upcoming course HERE.
If you would like a copy of the Mental Diet you can get a copy HERE
If you are interested in the book Standing Tall you can order a copy Here.
Loving others unconditionally begins with learning to love oneself.
As I read Scroll 2 of the book TheGreatest Salesman in the World this week I made a new discovery, I realized why I shy away from people sometimes when I am in public. I find myself comparing my appearance, my success, my status to other people and see myself as inferior.
As I made this new discovery I realized I had the power to shift my inferior thinking of myself to love for people. I began to see a mother with her child lovingly caring for them. I saw a husband caring for his wife who is recovering from an illness, and as the week continued I saw love all around me. I felt the love shared by those around me well up in myself and I discovered a new level of love for myself.
I began to see myself as a unique, marvelous one of a kind creation who is unconditionally loved by his creator and guided by his loving hand to live life abundantly.
Thank you Mark and Davene and the MKE guides for all you do to equip each student to live life in such a way it spreads love and acceptance. Our world needs this more than ever.
California leaders must stop wasting money on programs that don’t work. The current leadership of California has turned away from the what is right for the people they govern. They were taught by their parents what is right and what is wrong and have chosen wrong in order to obtain more power and wealth for themselves and those they serve while letting more families become homeless and the cost of living increases.
I remember when I was 8 years old, I would get up early on Saturday mornings to watch my favorite cartoons like Whacky Racers, HR Puff N Stuff and others. Whacky Racer had a character named Snidely Whiplash and each race he would cheat to try and win the race but in the end his actions would always comeback and cause hime to lose. Each cartoon had a built in lesson of how the villain’s selfish, hurtful, greedy behavior ultimately ended up hurting only themselves.
Many leaders today know what is right but for some reason have chosen to forsake the people that put them in office for power and prestige, they make rules for the people they lead but don’t follow the rules. They feel they are above the law.
This is nothing new, it has been happening since the beginning of time.
In the Bible, the prophet Elijah warned multiple kings to return to the Lord and avoid idolatry:
Elijah and King Ahab
Elijah warned King Ahab that God would punish his land if he didn’t stop idol worship and get Israel to return to God.
Elijah and King Jehoram
Elijah sent a letter to King Jehoram of Judah, warning him that God would punish his people for following the ways of the kings of Israel and murdering his brothers.
Elijah and Ahaziah
Elijah told King Ahaziah that he would die because he turned away from the Lord, and the king was struck down by the Lord.
Elijah was a prophet from the region of Gilead, who lived about 30 miles from Samaria, the capital of Israel. God performed many miracles through Elijah, which are recorded in the books of 1 and 2 Kings.
Today there are governors, congressman, senators, and many others that have turned away from doing what is right for the citizens, they right laws that allow the killing of children after they are born.
I live in California and over the last 10 years the entire culture has changed the leaders have regulated small businesses so much that many have closed or moved out of the state to more business friendly states. The homeless rate has skyrocketed and yet our leaders seem to be numb to the issues.
California’s homelessness rate has increased due to a number of factors:
Land-use regulations: California has stricter land-use regulations and zoning laws than other states, which makes it harder to build housing.
Housing costs: Home prices and rents have steadily increased in California, making housing unaffordable for many. The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in California is $2,200 per month, which is much higher than the $1,200 per month median rent in Texas.
Lack of affordable housing: California has a shortage of affordable housing, which has left many people living paycheck to paycheck and at risk of homelessness.
Stagnant incomes: Incomes have stagnated, while housing costs have increased.
Systemic racism: Racism is a factor in the homelessness crisis.
COVID-19 pandemic: The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the homelessness crisis.
Why has the leadership of California abandoned its people? They are making more money every year while Californians are having to deal with loss of jobs, higher food prices, gas prices and higher taxes.
Our leaders in California have no understanding of what life is like for the average family. As busineses continue to leave the state there are less jobs for the people and homelessnes continues to increase.
Current salaries (effective December 4, 2023)
Governor $234,101
Lieutenant Governor $175,576
Attorney General $203,343
Controller $187,280
Treasurer $187,280
Secretary of State $175,576
Superintendent of Public Instruction $203,343
Insurance Commissioner $187,280
Member, Board of Equalization $175,576
Members, State Legislature $128,215
Assembly Speaker/Senate President Pro Tem $147,446
Minority Floor Leader $147,446
Majority Floor Leader $137,832
Second Ranking Minority Leader $137,832
Past salaries of elected officials, 2022-2023
Governor $224,020
Lieutenant Governor $168,015
Attorney General $194,587
Controller $179,215
Treasurer $179,215
Secretary of State $168,015
Superintendent of Public Instruction $194,587
Insurance Commissioner $179,215
Member, Board of Equalization $168,015
Members, State Legislature $122,694
Assembly Speaker/Senate President Pro Tem $141,097
Minority Floor Leader $141,097
Majority Floor Leader $131,897
Second Ranking Minority Leader $131,897
So what is the solution? I believe is education. the people who are homeless don’t need more mental health services, they need hope, temporary shelter and skills to start their own business which will empower more people to do the same. We need to stop giving hand outs and start using the resources that are already available.
Some ways we can help the homeless:
Provide temporary housing with amenities.
Medical resources bringing in medical students who need hours.
Provide food from food banks and brining in people who are training to be chefs, and cooks.
Provide sustainable gardens that the residents maintain so they have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
As noted in PRI’s research, troubling indicators include the fact that the preliminary point-in-time homeless counts for most California counties show total homeless populations growing in most California counties despite the billions spent on Project Homekey, and so-called “affordable housing” projects built with Project Homekey funds costing upwards of $1 million per unit to build.
“Armed with this latest analysis, lawmakers should ask tough questions about why the state is continuing to throw billions at a program that isn’t getting the job done,” Jackson and Winegarden wrote.
If lawmakers read No Way Home, PRI’s book on California’s homeless crisis, they’d know that private charities do a far more effective and efficient job meeting the unique needs of the homeless population and helping to get them off the streets than any government program, no matter how well-intentioned.
It is obvious that the lawmakers are not the answer to our homeless problem, it is up to each one of us to do what we can using the skills we have to help those who feel helpless and need help. Give just food or money won’t solve the problem. We need to find out what their immediate need is, if it is medical care let’s stop giving them drugs for their issue and instead find the root cause, help ease their physical or emotional pain and teach them how to help themselves. We all have something we can give.
A great example is which provides an array of services to help people get their life back. Why don’t we have these programs in California?
It’s time to move those resources to create programs that work and if our current leader won’t listen vote them out of office. Each on of us has a responsibility to help any way we can. Don’t give up on those who are down and out, you or one of your loved ones may find yourself in need in the and we need programs that work and measure results so we can adjust what is working and change what is not working.
Join me in spreading the word. share this article with your fellow friends and family in California together we can revamp the system, create programs that work and elect leaders that will be responsible with the people’s money.
Leave a comment on how any ideas you may have that could help us stop the downfall of our beautiful state.
Why should I spend my precious tim during the Christmas season restoring relationships? That is the question many are asking themselves, finding excuses to not say I’m sorry looking for evidence to prove they were right and the other party was in the wrong.
Photo by olia danilevich
During the recent pandemic we experienced the separation from our loved ones and many never got to even say goodbye to a loved one, see their child get married, watch their grandchild be born and it was gut wrenching to hear all the sad stories and not be there for the ones we love.
When it really comes down to it at the end of our life and we stand before God and the question he will ask is what did you do with the gift I gave you in the form of my son Jesus? The only thing we will look back on is the things we could have changed and chose not to because we were so consumed with our own problems.
Do you know of a friend or family member that you had a falling out with, have feelings of regret for not calling them? You want to call them but then you start to pickup the phone you think about how they might respond so you put off doing it, why? Is it because you don’t want to have to say you are sorry for your part in the disagreement even though you know that just by calling them you have the possibility to make a difference in the relationship.
Would you be willing to take a chance this year and make that phone call and tell them you miss them and want to go to lunch, dinner or some other activity where you can spend time together?
The best tool I found to restore a broken relationship is to create an intention before you make the call, imagine in you mind the most excellent outcome, keep your focus on how you want your relationship to be, make love the key. When we come from a place of love we can never fail.
All solid relationships are based on love, open communication, and authenticity and when these three are present there is no topic off limits, no challenge we can’t overcome.
1 Corinthians 13
What relationship all you commit to restore between now and December 31st?
Are you willing to ask that person you care about to forgive you for the things you said and didn’t say?
Will you commit to put the past behind you are start fresh?
What is in the way of making that relationship the way you want it to be?
Photo by Greta Hoffman
I have some free tools I would love to share with you if you need support just send me a message through the link below or message me on my facebook page.
Visualization is a powerful tool to create a great life because it allows you to see below the surface and trace the object all the way back to the thought the inventor had that initiated the creation of the object.
In this week’s lesson, our exercise was to reverse engineer a battleship. To use visualization to disassemble this massive ship in our minds, to follow it back to its origination.
28. In the last Part you created a mental image, you brought it from the invisible into the visible; this week I want you to take an object and follow it back to its origination, see of what it really consists. If you do this you will develop imagination, insight, perception, and sagacity. These come not by the superficial observation of the multitude, but by a keen analytical observation that sees below the surface.
The visualization exercise was a struggle for me at first because I really had no interest in battleships and that lead me to ask the question “why a battleship”, but after doing the exercise each day this week I experienced something truly amazing on the 3rd day I was able to visualize the conversations between the government leaders depressing their belief of why it was important to build a new battleship, how it will protect thousands of people. On the other side, I could hear the opposition expressing their belief of how that money could be better spent to help feed people around the world or provide clean water for villages that did not have access to clean water.
What became evident to me that by practicing the art of visualization I was training myself to not accept what I see on the surface, whether we are talking about an object, a person, or a situation but to be curious about the root cause that is creating the effect that I see.
As I began to apply this principle to my daily interactions with people it became clear that this is a skill I want to master, not only to bring more value to my own life but to share it with my clients, friends, and family.
If each human being on the planet were to practice this skill we would be less likely to judge one another, demean one another but instead, we would understand, empathize, be more inclined to lend a hand, or give more freely to help one another live life more powerfully.
Make the decision today to take 100% responsibility for your life good and bad and when you encounter a struggle reverse engineer it through visualization, follow it back to the thought that birthed it, make time to process the feelings instead of running from them.
Summer McStravick once said, “The only way out is through”. So many times we don’t take the time to process our own thoughts, feelings, and actions but instead, want to blame others for our problem or make it go away with alcohol or drugs only to find ourselves faced with the same problem when those bandaids falloff. You can find more information about Summer on her website.
I experienced this recently in my own life during a class I was taking through my church. I realized I had held a grudge against my Mom for not allowing me to have a relationship with my father because they divorced before I was born and all I knew of my dad was that he was a bum. Every time I asked a family member what my dad was like that was their response, he was a bum he didn’t want to work and when my mom became pregnant with me he left because he did not want to deal with another child and was stressed out enough with my two older sisters.
By processing my feelings of being angry at my mom I realized she was only trying to protect me from being hurt like she was hurt. When I came to that conclusion I was able to forgive my mom which gave me peace. The experience transformed my feelings for my mom from anger to love.
If you are struggling with a problem take time to slow down, listen to your body, observe the thoughts you think on a daily basis and choose to take control of those thoughts. It will be hard at first but I believe in you, I know there is a power within you that can free you from your pain if you will only learn how to tap into it. Make it a point to include visualization in your morning routine. Visualize the life you want to live, the difference you want to make in the world.
Please seek a trusted friend or a coach to help you process your thoughts, feelings, and actions that surround you and may at times be so overwhelming that you can’t even get out of bed.
I would be happy to listen and see if I can help you or guide you to a trusted resource. You don’t have to go through this alone.
Schedule a free 30-minute call with me where I will share some valuable tools that will empower you to gain a new perspective of what is possible. You can also use my contact page at
By letting your light shine you can defeat fear and render it powerless over your thoughts feelings and actions.
Many people today are overcome with fear and anxiety regarding our future as a nation, a society, and in our local cities.
Where is this fear coming from? What is feeding this monster that is spreading throughout our neighborhoods and into our homes?
When Covid-19 reared its ugly head in March of 2020 I was very careful to follow the CDC guidelines and our county’s recommendations to stop the spread of the virus. I watched the news and stayed up to date on the latest findings, treatments, and safety precautions but as I continued to watch the news I realized everything I was hearing was negative, there was not one story of a person that was treated for Covid-19 and recovered reported on by my local news and I found myself sinking into a depression.
I decided to change the stations and combed the internet to find a story of hope but it was the same message over and over again we will not survive unless something drastically changes and I became afraid that myself, my family, and everyone I loved were going to die from this virus.
Reading and meditation on the week 3 Master Key Lesson this week was so helpful at empowering me to take control of my thoughts and replace fear with spreading love and light to my friends and neighbors.
Taking on this practice saved me from sinking into hopelessness and allowed me to focus on ways to help my friends and neighbors in any way I could. I offered to shop for elderly people in my neighborhood group, make phone calls to those who need to know someone cared, and by shifting my focus to being of service and eliminating fear I became inspired to volunteer at our church to hand out food and people were so grateful.
The greatest lesson I learned from all of my activities was that I had the power to stop fear in its tracks by letting my light shine and giving the gift of hope to others.
The following words opened my eyes to a new way of overcoming fear.
Non-resistant thought expands the Solar Plexus; resistant thought contracts it. Pleasant thought expands it; unpleasant thought contracts it. Thoughts of courage, power, confidence and hope all produce a corresponding state, but the one arch enemy of the Solar Plexus which must be absolutely destroyed before there is any possibility of letting any light shine is fear. This enemy must be completely destroyed; he must be eliminated; he must be expelled forever; he is the cloud which hides the sun; which causes a perpetual gloom.
It is this personal devil which makes men fear the past, the present and the future; fear themselves, their friends and their enemies; fear everything and everybody. When fear is effectually and completely destroyed, your light willshine, the clouds will disperse and you will have found the source of power, energy and life.
When you find that you are really one with the Infinite power, and when you can consciously realize this power by a practical demonstration of your ability to overcome any adverse condition by the power of your thought, you will have nothing to fear; fear will have been destroyed and you will have come into possession of your birthright.
Do you need more hope this week?
Do you need to know someone cares, that we are going to make it through?
I urge you to not allow yourself to dwell in the midst of fear but instead reach out to myself or someone you trust and allow them to lend you hope when you are weak and love when you feel unloved. it is the best medicine we can give to one another and as we do this we will overcome any obstacle we face because we have one another to lean on.
I am available to help. Please feel free to reach out to me through email or my calendar Meet with Mike
Week 2 of the Master Key Experience is all about learning of gaining control of your thoughts. That statement may have different meanings based on each person’s past experiences.
I used to live my life in such a way that I was oblivious of how my mind worked and I believed that examining my thoughts was something I had to go to the doctor to learn. I felt so trapped in a world of constantly trying to fit in and win the approval of the people at my church and at the office.
I can remember going to a company Christmas party or a birthday party where I would compare myself to other guys and I always gave myself a low score and felt so inadequate because I believed everyone had it all together except me.
Week 2 of the course is always an eye-opener for me because Haanel shares the secret to gaining confidence in tour line 18:
The conscious mind ought to be on duty during every waking hour. When the “watchman” is “off guard,” or when its calm judgment is suspended, under a variety of circumstances, then the subconscious mind is unguarded and left open to suggestion from all sources. During the wild excitement of panic, or during the height of anger, or the impulses of the irresponsible mob, or at any other time of unrestrained passion, the conditions are most dangerous. The subconscious mind is then open to the suggestion of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-depreciation and other negative forces, derived from surrounding persons or circumstances. The result is usually unwholesome in the extreme, with effects that may endure to distress it for a long time. Hence, the great importance of guarding the subconscious mind from false impressions.
Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay
It was a huge surprise to me that I could actually stop false thoughts from being accepted by my unconscious mind, that I actually had control over what I thought and in turn what I felt and my actions. this was a real mind-blowing concept for me after struggling for 40 years with negative thoughts about myself.
I can remember very mean things said to me by kids in Junior High School that would still have an effect on me when I was having a bad day that would cause me to want to just hide. But now that I have this newfound power I can stand and defend myself and if you apply these same tools you can adopt that same power in your life.
Inclosing consider adding these 3 things to your daily routine.
Before you start your day go somwhere where you can be alone and sit in silence for 15 minutes. Observe the thoughts that come to your mind.
Realize you have the power to accept those negative thoughts as real or eliminate them and shift your focus to thoughts that inspire you.
Show compassion for others who may be dealing with their own negative thoughts, beliefs and actions.
Create a vision of what you want your life to be like in the present tense feeel what that is like using all 5 senses. The more intense the feelings the more you will draw thoose things to you.
I look forward to sharing more in the weeks to come. Consider getting on the list for the Master Key Experience 2022 class.
In order to create lasting change, you must work from the inside out.
Creating lasting change means you must become aware of what you think, what you believe, what you feel, and your actions based on those feelings to bring about a different outcome.
The week 1 Master Key Lesson explains it this way.
There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces aremighty.
The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.
The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is whathas been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power,infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development andexpression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within they will take form inthe worldwithout.
Before I experienced the Master Key Experience if I discovered an area of my life I wished to improve upon I would look for a program, a person or a book to help me solve my problem.
I would get so excited at first that I had finally found the answer I was looking for with a list of actions I can take but because those new actions never got to the root I only experienced temporary relief but if I was having a stressful day those new ways became too uncomfortable and my old way of thinking and acting would kick in and I’d go back to doing what is comfortable even though I didn’t like the results it produced.
At first, I thought it was just me, that I just wasn’t good enough, I need more willpower but I soon learned it is every human being that follows the same pattern. The Master keys gave me the power to break that pattern and get to the root of the problem, my thoughts.
If you are feeling stuck in a destructive cycle of thinking, believing, and acting you are not alone, without the proper tools you will continue to be stuck until you make the decision to learn and practice going deep into yourself. When you become curious about your feelings, good or bad you can process them in a healthy way which will bring about the lasting changes your heart has longed for.
It brings tears to my eyes when I think back at how many years I suffered trying to change failing feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame and now discover that I had the power with myself to change I was just never given the tools to access that power.
I can remember many Monday nights, I would get nervous while preparing for a speech at our Tuesday morning Toastmaster meeting, I would get bombarded with negative thoughts that my speech would fall on deaf ears, I would forget the key points and that made me very so nervous I would not sleep very well that night.
After feeling this way a couple of times I realized I never really dealt with the root of why I was so nervous. The only way I overcame my nervousness was to ask myself why I was so nervous and I learned to shift my thoughts from thinking about failing and reminded myself the audience does not know what I am speaking about.
I also learned to view my speech as a gift I was giving to my audience and this totally changed the way I prepared for future speeches and after each talk, I received raving reviews.
This is my 6th time going through the Master Key Experience course and I am so excited to share this experience with the hope to inspire you to take this course in the future. There is no other course that has given me the power to make lasting change in my life and I am the person I am today by doing inner work.
I will be sharing my experience each week and I am open to speaking with anyone who would like to develop these skills and create lasting change in their life. You can contact me at
Did you know that success is in an inside job, that you were born with it?
I was always taught that success was something I would need to work hard for, that it was tied to how much money you make, whether I owned a home or not, and was based on what other people thought of me. I lived my life for 35 years always comparing my life to other men my age and It left me feeling defeated and empty.
In 2004 I became so overwhelmed with work and the different chores at home like maintaining the weeds in our backyard. I remember asking myself if this is what it means to be a homeowner I don’t want to own a home anymore. I raised the idea of selling our home with my wife and she wasn’t excited at first but as we began to examine how much our neighborhood changed in the past 13 years and we realized how overcrowed it had become and we made plans to sell our home.
We sold our home in 3 months, paid off all of our debts, banked the remaining money for our next home, and began to pray for where God wanted us to move. Being debt-free felt so wonderful, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off our shoulders. But then again I started comparing myself to other men my age and felt like a failure next to them.
In 2015 I was taking a course called The Master Key Experience and I learned a new definition of success, I learned that success is determined by how I am living my life every day. If I live my life with passion and I’m working towards a worthwhile goal I am a success. One of the homework assignments week1 is to write a DMP (Definite Major Purpose), this is a document that is a written visual description of what your future life will look like with feelings and enthusiasm.
Earl Nightingale’s definition of success.“Success is really nothing more than the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This means that any person who knows what they are doing and where they are going is a success. Any person with a goal towards which they are working is a successful person.”
Five things I do daily to maintain a successful attitude.
I say out loud 5 things I am grateful for.
I sit with my eyes closed deep breathe for 5 to 10 minutes. It calms my body and my mind. when my thoughts wander I go back to focusing on my breath, (You may know this as meditation).
I ask myself and God how can I be of service to someone today and make a positive difference in their life.
I read my DMP with feeling and visualize how it will feel when it is a reality.
I remind myself that I am a walking breathing miracle and there is a power, God, source, universe that is a part of me that is rooting for me. ( It is the same source that keeps your heart beating, your blood flowing, your cells healing, and your brain functioning)
When I make time to include these 5 things in my morning routine I end each day knowing I was a success because I followed my heart.
I started by adding one new thing to my routine each week and as I continued to practice this it soon became a time I looked forward to and felt renewed and refreshed as I started my day.
If you are feeling like a failure or overwhelmed with life please reach out to me I would be happy to support you in achieving your best life. You can contact me at Meet with Mike
Are you having trouble discussing today’s social issues with your neighbors or friend without being called names or a conspiracy theorist? When we are united we tend to listen more objectively.
Do you have strong opinions about today’s social issues? Do you research what you hear from the news media or do you just take it for gospel and share but people are not receptive to hearing what you have to say?
I have had the same experience just this week when I made an innocent comment on our neighborhood community platform about mask and vaccine mandates. I was blown away by the unwillingness and downright refusal of the people commenting to even be curious as to why I believed the way I do.
The people who contributed to the conversation were either wanting to force everyone to take the vaccine and wear a mask or just choose to stay home and lose all of their privileges to shop or travel outside California. Most of the contributors were not willing to discuss any of the topics without judgment or name-calling.
I was upset and just wanted to leave the conversation until I realized I was doing the same thing.
Photo by Ivan Samkov
I was taking their comments personally and not taking into consideration that each person was experiencing fear about the unvaccinated and how and the mask mandates would affect our community based on the sources they follow on social media and the news they watch.
When I realized where they were coming from I have a newfound compassion for them because all of their decisions were based on fear not on science or facts. I discovered something when I entered the words Masks don’t stop the spread of Covid-19 the majority of articles displayed were aligned with how I worded the question. My experiment proved I could find proof for both sides of the argument. Many people who had social media channels on Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter were shut down because it was considered a danger to the public.
I am happy to say there are some people who are still participating in the conversation and doing so with understanding and respect. A great example is in this post at
I encourage you the next time you have a conversation in person, on social media, or on your neighborhood forum please take into consideration that people are afraid before you post. I know when I am afraid or feel like my beliefs and values are being challenged my first response is to lash out but I know that does not serve or bring value to anyone. I found it is better to agree to disagree on this topic and choose to part as friends.
The answer is Unity.
Just consider that there may be people or factions whose only purpose is to divide our community and its people. we may still disagree on some issues but we can agree to be respectful of each other’s opinions.
United we stand divided we fall
“We have a war on women, race wars. Income wars, age wars, religious wars, anything you can imagine. A house divided against itself cannot stand it. And it’s going to be up to us, to people, to begin the focus on the positive things, on the things that we have in common and stop listening to those who are stoking the fires of division.” ~ Benjamin Carson
Are you curious how to learn more about how the human mind works and how to make it work for you and not against you check out the Masker Key Course? You can apply for a scholarship for $1 at
Please contact me if you would like to discuss this article I would be dialogue with you.